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#TheFinal14 | My Letter To The University Of Missouri

Eichel Davis

This is weird. When I first said I was writing these last fourteen grand statements, I knew that this one would be one of the harder ones. It would come toward the end of my journey at one of the greatest places I’ve ever called home. It would come at the end of a journey that took me to unexpected places, made me some unexpected friends, and presented some unexpected challenges. So here we go.

This my letter to the University of Missouri.

First off thank you. Thank you for a great education with some incredible teachers, and some unforgettable moments. Thank you for facilitating innovation, and creating a place where 35,000 people can come together and have a conversation. Thank you for Speakers Circle. Thank you for Morts, and Stank, and the way Jesse looks at dust, and all the little things that made this place so goddamn amazing.

You were something special. You will continue to be something special. But I must ask you to be more. I must ask you to keep becoming something more.

This school faces issues just like every other school. Ours just happened to play out on national television. Ours just happened to hit a head. And that’s okay. And you, the University of Missouri, should never apologize for having students who confronted a problem and said enough. We said enough. And we’ve dealt with the aftermath of that. It wasn’t easy. It’s had its challenges. It’s had its downfalls. But no one ever said that change was easy. But I promise you that history will remember this place, and that November, with grace and kindness.

Mizzou I ask you to be strong, and proud. I ask you to strive to be a place where all your students, no matter race, sexual orientation, religion, or country of origin will feel welcomed, loved, and empowered to do great things. I ask you to stay grounded in your principles, to defend your students, and walk with some swagger. This is the University of Missouri. We are no ones doormat, no brittle glass wall to break through, and no punching bag for agendas. We are a strong group of future doctors, politicians, mothers, fathers, movie stars, and singers that will change the world in ways that I can’t even imagine. I’ve had the great pleasure to meet and befriend some of those people. And it will be one of the greatest honors of my life.

To Mizzou Athletics, personally I want to thank you for opportunities and freedoms. I want to thank you for memories (some great, others heartbreaking) that I will hold onto forever. To the wonderful teachers that work hard to make sure that I was ready for a career, and everything else that will come in life, I love you. To the 35,000 of you that walked the halls with me, thank you for being the best and brightest.

For just a moment, I want to talk to my African American brothers and sisters here at Mizzou. I know our time was hard. I know we ran into some walls, and some pundits, and some media looking for easy stories. But I also know we nudged that hand of change forward. I want you all to know that you made me proud to be a member of our community. And I hope, at least a few times, I made you proud too.

Like I said, this is weird. I’ve spent the last four years of my life falling in love with Mizzou. I fell deeply, and utterly in love with you. You made me proud at times, disappointed me at others, and granted me so many things that I’ll hold onto dearly, and guard them close.

But now it’s time to say until next time. I’ll miss the nights at Big 12, the walks on Lowry, the cool nights at Taylor, and the roar of 72K on Game days.

I’ll miss the people.

They were special.

This place was special.

It is special.

Eichel | @EichelGDavis

PS: Ya’ll can keep the MUParking and TIgerWiFi

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