BP #37: Mizzou Baseball: A Reminder Of Who We Are

Well that was....yeah. Mizzou Baseball lost its 5th-straight game this evening to Missouri State, our longest streak of the season. It wasn’t pretty. 13 runs over 9 innings, and even though we put up 8, our offense wasn’t enough to stop the Mo State Bears and their rampage toward a regional.
Right now, this loss hurts like hell. I’m disappointed we could not take the game. I’m angry at the outcome. And I am crushed by the seemingly fading spirits of our team. Of all of these things, the failing spirits is what pains my heart the most. This team has roared so loudly throughout the season, having the fire lit under their behinds throughout every game. This weekend at Vandy, I saw the fire grow dim. It dimmed into a faint glow in the dark. Maybe its because we’re tired. Maybe it’s because we are coming off a series against the National Championed Vandy Boys. But whatever it is, it has to stop. Now. Not tomorrow. Not in a week. Now. Because in a week, if this continues, our very alive play off dreams could find itself dying too.
The way I see it, every team has two options when dealing with trials in their season. They can take the easy route, and roll over. They can just let their downfall transpire and continue on with the losses. Or, they can fight back against themselves, and build champions. They can pick themselves up out of the dirt, scrap off the grime, and start back climbing the mountain toward Omaha. Because thats always been the goal here. National Champions.
But we won’t just end up there. There will be more loses, and more wins. More bad days for Mizzou Baseball. But every setback, is a spring to move forward and on to the next step. From Hoover, to regionals, and beyond, these are steps that have been set in place to get to the the top of the hill.I know I speak for all of Mizzou Baseball when I say we want to be the new shining city of the hill. We want to hoist that trophy in Omaha. Besides, I want another ring, one for the middle finger to...lets say remind the haters who we are. THIS...is Missouri. Home of the Comeback. But before we remind them, we have to remind ourselves who we are and what truly extraordinary things we are capable of.